Battling with kappies and deeltekens and other diacritics and conventions relating to Afrikaans spelling?

You are not alone! It may surprise you to learn that even many Afrikaans mother-tongue speakers, including those who have been through Afrikaans schools and/or tertiary institutions, are not always sure of how the rules work.

Book cover

Enter Diacs and Quirks in a Nutshell, which explains the most important Afrikaans spelling rules in English, and at a highly accessible technical level.

The book is very conveniently available both as a conventional print book and as an e-book in different formats for Kindles and other e-readers.

Click here for further information about this extremely useful, one-of-a-kind book, and here for a comprehensive review by a professional language practitioner and member of the SA Translators' Institute.

You may also want to read this interview with me on LitNet and an Afrikaans review.


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Digital copies are available in PDF, MOBI and EPUB formats, and cost R90 per copy.

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